SparkPlug Tea

Sarsaparilla, Burdock Root, Bladderwrack, Nettle leaf, St John’s Bush, Alfalfa, Ashwagandha, Elderberries, Dandelion root

“SparkPlug” Tea:

How to use:

Put 1 tablespoon of the loose leaf tea in a pot of two cups of boiling water , allow to simmer for 10-15 minutes (the longer, the more you extract from the herbs). Drink twice daily. A tablespoon in the morning, and a tablespoon in the evening. 


  • Iron is a key element in the Sun’s energy radiation
  • Iron is food for the red blood cells
  • The life of the human is in the blood, it is the spark plug of life: (spiritual law)
    • Leviticus 17:11 KJV: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul”
  • When the red blood cells are weak, you are susceptible to sickle cell anaemia and 40 other illnesses and symptoms:
    • Iron conveys oxygen to the brain
    • Lack of iron makes you: weak, tired, low energy, unclear thought patterns (lost in thought, less clarity)
    • Plant matter contains CHO chains (carbon-hydrogen-oxygen) which assimilates with the human body which is carbon based. Plant matter is also carbon based.
    • Iron is magnetic and draws every other mineral to it at an optimal ratio.
    • Plant based iron (iron phosphate) assimilates with the human body better than rock iron (iron oxide) as plant matter is also carbon based, which means it can be fully absorbed.
  • The iron tea contains over 7 herbs which are all high in iron phosphate and iron fluorine. The plant matter is able to syphon iron oxide from the rocks in the soil and return it into a potent liquid form held within its leaves, flowers, stems, roots (fluorine) and berries (phosphate) which best assimilate with the human body.

Original price was: £40.Current price is: £30.

Original price was: £40.Current price is: £30.

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